I år får ADRA besøk fra Thailand og Keep Girls Safe-hjemmet i forbindelse med Global uke mot moderne slaveri. Ei av jentene som har bodd på hjemmet i flere år kommer til Norge sammen med 2 medarbeidere fra ADRA Thailand.
8. november: ADRA deltar på Rettferdskonferansen i Oslo sammen med gjestene fra Keep Girls Safe hvor vi blant annet vil ha ansvaret for en workshop. Om Rettferdskonferansen: https://rettferdskonferansen.no/ Rettferdskonferansen krever påmelding og konferanseavgift.
9. november: Sammen med gjestene fra Keep Girls Safe deltar ADRA på gudstjeneste i Mjøndalen Adventistkirke.
Om ettermiddagen/kvelden er det deltagelse på vegetarisk «julebord» i samme kirke.
11. november: ADRA og gjestene fra Keep Girls Safe arrangerer fagseminar om moderne slaveri på Litteraturhuset i Oslo. Alle velkommen! (Seminaret begynner ca. kl 12.00)
12. november: kl. 18.00: Lokalt arrangement på Vik i Hole. Alle velkommen!
13. november: Besøk og fellestime på Tyrifjord Videregående skole i Hole
14. november: Besøk på Vatneli skole i Sandnes
16. november: Gudstjeneste i Bergen Adventistkirke
Mandag 11/11 – Seminar Litteraturhuset, Oslo kl. 13.00
SDG 8.7 expresses the need to “take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.” The Norwegian government has recently taken steps to intensify efforts to eradicate modern slavery, which is less about people owning other people – although that still exists – but manifests as debt bondage, forced marriage, sale or exploitation of children, human trafficking, and forced labour, affecting an estimated 40.3 million people across the world, of these, 24.9 million are in situations of forced labour and 15.4 million in forced marriages.[1]
This seminar in Oslo, Litteraturhuset, explores the role of education in reducing risk factors associated with modern day slavery. Children should not be denied an education. Not because their family is poor, or because of conflict or displacement, gender, ethnicity, or disability. Every child, everywhere, has the right to attend school and get an education. Unfortunately, 262 million children, adolescents, and youth are not in school. When a child receives an education, the whole of society benefits. For girls the benefits are especially profound – if all women completed secondary education, there would be 49% fewer child deaths, 64% fewer early marriages, and 59% fewer young pregnancies, and they would earn up to 45% more than a woman with no education. The risk of becoming victim to human trafficking, child labour or sexual exploitation is less for children who attend school.[2] When a child completes their education, a whole new world of opportunity opens up.
On the agenda for the day we have
- Representative from Ministry of Development sharing Norwegian government perspectives on combatting modern day slavery and the role that education can play.
- Siroj Sorajjakool, an expert from Thailand on trafficking issues in South East Asia, on issues faced by victims of trafficking.
- Derek Glass, humanitarian coordinator of ADRA Norway, speaking on the role of education in conflict areas in reducing vulnerability, particularly of girls to trafficking and forced marriage.
- La, a girl from remote hills of Northern Thailand, talking about what education means for her.
- Panel of speakers, Norwegian government representative and NGO representatives to answer questions and share views on the topic of education and modern day slavery, what can we do about it?
Please sign up on the Facebook events page (Link) or send an e-mail to ADRA: post@adranorge.no
Registration starts at 13:00 and the meeting will run until about 16:00
13:00 Registration
13:30 Welcome
Norwegian Government representative
Dr. Siroj Sorajjakool – patterns of human trafficking in rural Thailand
La – What education means to me
- Special item
Derek Glass – Education in conflict settings
Panel discussion: Education and Modern Day Slavery, what shall we do about it?
Birgit Philipsen – closing remarks